Your career at BOVARD

Based in Switzerland and internationally connected, BOVARD offers an exciting and stimulating work environment. We have helped protect fresh ideas for close to 100 years, working with clients that are at the forefront of ground breaking innovations. 

Our experts yield from a multitude of educational, vocational and cultural backdrops making for enriching collaborations and creative teamwork.  We encourage and support further education and qualifications. 

We understand the demands of life and support our employees in a myriad of ways so that they can create the life that best suits their circumstances.

5 Locations to work from

With offices in Bern, Biel /Bienne, Neuchâtel,  Basel and the opportunity to work some of the time from home, BOVARD provides a truly versatile way of working.

Part time and time share

BOVARD supports part time and time share arrangements that can be adapted as life continuously changes.

We enable families to grow stress free with parental leave options, flexible time reductions and job share possibilities.

Perhaps furthering your studies is a priority to you? We are always finding solutions so that our employees can pursue their studies and career goals. 

Time in Lieu and attendance hours

BOVARD has a 40 hour week for full time employees. Overtime can be compensated by taking time off. In addition, the mandatory hours of attendance are divided into two relatively short windows of time per day which gives our employees even more freedom to design a work / life balance that is right for them.

Our holiday regulations provide at least 25 days of holiday per year. From the age of 51, the number of holidays incrementally increases to 30 days from age 60. 

We understand that big changes happen and are here to support our employees by granting an additional 3 days of leave for the arrival of a child and other life changing events. 

We are proud of the fact that many of our employees have worked with BOVARD for decades. To honour this mutual trust, we celebrate their longstanding service by granting extra holiday and/or pay every 5 years from their 10 year anniversary with us. 

A number of our employees have been able to mark their 20 year anniversary at BOVARD with an additional 10 days of holidays and half a month of salary. 

BOVARD is a proud equal opportunity employer. 

We employ a diverse range of talent from all walks of life, cultures and orientations. Our staff are our biggest assets. 

BOVARD strives to create a workplace that honours and respects the integrity of all our employees. Their physical and mental health is our priority.

In addition to a stimulating work environment, fair pay, generous holiday allowances and the flexibility to create a work / life balance that works for you, BOVARD offers the following benefits: 

  • Child allowance payments
  • Accident and health cover insurance
  • SBB travel card (Half tax abo) *
  • Contributions to study fees *
  • Payment of work related subscription *
  • Generous pension fund contributions for all

* based on individual circumstances

Available Jobs at BOVARD

Your Contact: 

Mr. Salvatore Pulvirenti

Tel: +41 32 511 82 03

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